Pablo Software Solutions
Attachment IV
The partial list of discrepancies (Anna Marik tells lies)
1    On Page 7 Anna presents a quote from a Josef Vaclav Sladek’s poem.

                     The quote is from a poem composed by Svatopluk Cech. It is a shame that Karel Pexidr, the famous
                     author, does not know that. (D)

                      (An example from an English literature would be like saying that Wolfgang  Amadeus Mozart composed
                      the Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’.)

2     On Page 11 Anna claims that her family’s farm in Vlcnov consisted of 76 acres of land.

                       Anna’s family farm in Vlcnov consisted of less than 13 acres of land. (D)

3     On Pages 30 and 135 Anna let us believe that she possesses a pilot license.

                       Anna’s flying carrier ended during her first trial flight. She obtained no pilot license. (D)

4     On Page 52 Anna tells you that she was the one who suggested that the Slintak’s family ought to leave the country.

                       In fact, that was Franta’s idea. (F)

5     On Page 63 Anna tells a funny story. When he received a very first wage in America, Franta bought about four
                       pounds of ham and ate it on the spot.

                       As much as he tries, Franta does not remember eating more than maybe a quarter pound of ham at one
                       time. (F)

6     On Page 93 Anna presents a photograph and calls it ‘The Ride of Kings’.

                       Anna, herself from Vlcnov, mentions a local celebration in Vlcnov called ‘The Ride of Kings’, however,
                       the photograph depicts a similar celebration but from a different village as you can judge looking at the
                       costumes. (D)

7     On Page 94 Anna presents a photograph and calls it ‘Costumes of Moravian Slovakia’.

                        It is more than obvious to those who know it that the costumes are from a Sumava region of Bohemia. (D)

8     On Page 94 Anna presents a photograph and calls it Hostyn (a famous pilgrimage place).

                        The photograph shows Provodov, a pilgrimage place far away from Hostyn. (D)

9     On Page 96 presents a photograph of herself with Franta in their garden.

                        The garden is, in fact, a Botanical Garden of Ann Arbor. (D)

10   On Page 96 is a photograph of a lake by Martin’s house.

                        There is no such lake by the Martin’s house. (D)

11   On Page 114 Anna describes how her Dad grafted fruit trees and took care of a vineyard in Anna’s home in
                        Ann Arbor.

                        There is not a single fruit tree and no vineyard either in what used to be Anna’s home in Ann Arbor. (D)

12   On Page 133 Anna describes her relationship with Franta before their divorce as follows:
                            “The more Anna’s prestige was rising, the more Franta's prestige diminished.”

                          A Referee’s Report documents Anna’s prestige by using expressions like ‘her fraudulent behavior, her
                          dishonesty, unreliability of her documents, etc., etc.’ Are those the indicators of a high prestige? (D)

13   On Page 132 Anna talks about huge problems Franta encountered when he was launching his boat. “What jinx was
                          there at Franta’s heels, what hellish phantom would not grant him enjoyment of the job well done?

                          Please visit my WebPage Beruska and see those hellish phantoms for yourself. (F)

14   On Page 142 Anna talks philosophy concerning “. . . widely applicable universal rules that goes deep into the roots of
                           physical world” and she asserts that she and Franta for sure know that stuff for they both are physicists,
                           aren’t they.

                           (Franta’s head is spinning now, faster and faster . . .)

                           Anna graduated from a university in Olomouc majoring in math and geometry. (D)
                           As far as Franta knows, she flunked the third semester physics exam. (F)

15   On Page 142 Anna talks philosophy concerning her divorce from Franta. “. . . long time harmonious relationship
                           between Anna and Franta has been disturbed lately. The crisis has had deepened. One component of a
                           binary star behaved more dynamically, it burned more brightly, while the other one was dwindling.
                           Franta and Anna separated. They separated without scenes, quarrels and affects.”

                           (Franta’s head is spinning still faster now.)

                          -   Scenes and affects which the bright burning star performed during the court mandated referee
                          proceedings, and in front of a divorce judge, are described in a Referee Report as well as in the court
                          transcripts. (D)

                          -   Or is it possible that the long time harmonious relationship between Franta and Anna has been
                          disturbed because of Anna’s adultery? Anna’s adultery is documented in the Referee Report as well. (F)

16   On Page 145 Anna describes her feelings, and gets mushy, over her first visit of Czech Republic in 1989, after a
                          quarter of a century in emigration, that is.

                          Anna visited (then) Czechoslovakia at least six times with Franta before 1989, for the first time in
                          1980, that is. (D)

17   On Page 68 and on many other pages Anna describes the advancement of Franta’s carrier in America.

                          -   Franta appreciates the fact that Ford hired him soon after he came to America and that he was able
                          to work there in an engineering position and that after some time he advanced to the management.
                          However, Franta does not appreciate Anna’s exaggerated praise about his abilities. Franta only worked
                          his way up same as many other Czech immigrants have done here in America. Exaggeration such as
                          Anna describes herself in her book is unnatural for Franta, it is demeaning and humiliating. (F)

  -   A rationale that is supported either by written documents, court transcripts or a lack of
             key evidence (Anna’s pilot license).

(F)   -   A rationale supported by faith - whom do you believe more. Do you believe Anna or do you believe Franta?