Pablo Software Solutions

Mrs. Slintak,

Finally, you assume you caught a man who realizes all your imaginations. Mainly that he is old and rich, but you are mistaken. Yes, he is old, but he is poor. When he left for a pleasure trip with you he withdrew about $10.000 so he could satisfy you as well as himself too because he is a 'gentleman' by nature. However, he has measly $15.000 left in the bank. This you can verify yourself as well as the fact that this is his entire financial property. He has some real estate partnership, but he could not sell that now. Should he not have some rental income he could not make payments on his own house and  on the Big Bear either. He was not able to make a single business deal this year therefore there was no income.

From all the partners he is best for you because he is old and you thing you will get his inheritance. You caught him by your cleverness and you whipped out the last remnants of his sex by your young body, but it will stop in no time when he will realize how you dealt with your husband. You have three children by your husband but you pursued your flirtatious love making while he was ill. Your husband is young, but how about this one? I cannot appeal to your conscience because you do not have one as I learned from a message I have available. You are used to alternate partners but how difficult would it be for an old man? However, the fate will reward you for this. The fate will forgive nothing and to anybody, and not even to you for your break-up of this old marriage.

                                                                                         C. Maříková  (C. Marik)
Attachment II
A letter addressed to Anna Slintak and written by Mrs. Marik, the wife of Bab Marik.