Pablo Software Solutions
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Mne osobně potěšilo, když jsem na domku uviděl ozdobnou mřížku, kterou jsem sám před léty zhotovil a která ve zdraví přežila více než čtyřicet let (viz předcházející strámku).
The Old Burned Mill House today, after fourty years from 1968.
(Today means October 2010)

Nancy and I have visited Prague in October 2010 and at the same time we took an opportunity to visit my old homestead.

We knew that the place became neglected after I have left and that it turned into ruins again. We did not know what to expect during our visit and we were really surprised to find somebody is living there. We have met the occupants, talk to them, promissed to mail them photographs we took as well as the old photographs from the time we lived there
some fourty years ago.

As for myself, I was very pleased when I recognized the decorative grill attached to the face of the building, the grill I fabricated myself more then fourty years ago and that it survived in its glory till today (see also the photos on the previous page).