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Old Burned Mill House
In 1967 I have retuned with my family back to Prague  to work full time on my PhD degree. But there was a problem. It was next to imposible to find a place to live in Prague. On the picture at left you can see my solution of that problem. In a little suburb of Prague, in Suchdol and in a beautiful valey, we found an old decrepit building that we could make habitable if we renovate and repair it virtually from the ground up. You can judge the condition of the building by looking at the photograph. (By the way, the building, the scooter, a few pieces of furniture and two little kids were the only earthly possessions I have had at that time.)

From this place, it took about fifteen minutes to reach by foot the next habitable place. In other words the place was as secluded from the rest of the world as you can imagine. What a "beauty"!

That secluded place was known in the neighborhood as the Old Burned Mill House.
The valey in which the building was located is named Unetice Valley, the place that has a prehistorical significance for the Czech people. This is the reason the valley is proclaimed a natural preserve with strict rules concerning human habitations. For this reason it was very difficult to obtain a permit to repair and restore that old building.
(Spálený Mlýn)